Love Poem: To My Daughter
Solomon Ndichu Avatar
Written by: Solomon Ndichu

To My Daughter

I hope you get a good man
But dont ignore the bad
Cause you live with the angel and the devil
And the devil will always be a problem
So take your time

Am not sorry I brought you into this world
It's a joy to have you
You are a blessing 
And I hope everyone sees that

But not every will see that 
Not everyone really wants to know,love & appreciate you
Not everyone you love is good enough 
Not everyone who loves you deserves a chance
So take your time

Don't get into these competitions on media and all
of butts, boobs, skin tone and complexion 
Its reduces a lady to just a body 
And I hope everyone sees that

I hope you find love
The kind of love that gets you high
But more than that, I hope you find respect
For what is love without respect
So take your time

I hope he gives you freedom
That he is intelligent and can handle his emotions
Say yes or no as you please. It is your right
And I hope everyone sees that

I hope I will be a good example to you 
And my son, to the meaning of manhood, 
Men of character,truth,valour, protectors and providers
Not abusers, monsters and sissy murderers
So take your time

I refuse to understand domestic violence
I refuse to understand why a man could kill you
I refuse to see this as a light issue, Life is sacred
And I hope everyone sees that