Love Poem: To Many Thoughts
Nicola Rose Avatar
Written by: Nicola Rose

To Many Thoughts

To many thoughts, you seem to drown, there’s no princess here, just a broken crown,
A withering heart, a weakened soul, it looks like life has taken its toll.
For all the wishes made upon stars, that seem to have gone to nowhere, 
It seems like hope was the only thing that was ever there

To sit and wait with questions in your head, never knowing when you’ll end up dead..
To take each breath  as if its my last, to wish time back because its gone by to fast
To know I’ll miss a glowing smile, to hope I wont be forgotten after a while,
You just cross your fingers tight, whilst your only dreams go out of sight,

To find the one but as time is slipping by, you cant help but question why?
To hold your hand to know you’re there, but putting you through this I cannot bare,
Its not fair on others to see me suffer, I just hope in the end they’ll end up tougher,
If only they knew what they really meant, ever moment we shared was heaven sent

I’ll never say goodbye as that’s forever, as I know one day we’ll be back together,
I’ll get to see the sparkle in all of your eyes, I know the soul, it never dies,
I’ll live on in all of you, I’ll watch above and be in all you do,
From kisses good night, to the final tunnel of light.

I know I don’t always listen but I always hear what you say, I just deal with things in my
own way,
I know your shoulders are there for me to lean on, I’d have taken the chance but when id
realised the moment had gone.
You’ve given me the life, everything my heart can desire, 
You’ve have all. always been the spark to my fire,
So thank you to you all, for touching my life and making me who I am today,
I just hope I’ve blessed your lives in the same way…

