Love Poem: To Live with Faith
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Written by: Andrea Elrod

To Live with Faith

To believe in love is to believe in
Love is a feeling that no words could ever say, and faith is believing in what is unseen.
 Both have their greatest strength in conquering. 
These forces are bound by our own chains, awaiting release from their stagnant domain. 
The answers we search for have been with us all along. 
Let our minds be guided by our hearts to correct our wrongs. 
Only then will everything become clearer by allowing love inside to rid us of our fears.
Love will carry us through the most tragic of storms, with faith as the certainty of safely landing in trusting arms.
 We need to know that love is what we need to survive, although trusting in and having faith in is up to us to decide. 
Some are too scared to take the leap, to venture into the unknown, which awaits our better selves and where true love is shown. Though many find it easier to choose the road most traveled, oblivious to the evil plots for those lives to be unraveled.
 Our lives pass  by quicker than we may realize, and making right out wrongdoings is running out of time. 
The world is full of temptations and all of its evil.
 Don't be the one sucked in the sequel. Love one another because that's what life is meant for. 
By allowing love to guide us in our wings to help it soar.
Let's strive to be our best selves and virtue, loving ourselves and others, nurturing and caring, whatever we do. 
For honor lies in sharing love and hope and showing empathy and compassion to help others cope.
 Our battles can be conquered by the power of love, each moment we spend here, a precious gift from above. 
So, let's make every second count, with joy and with grace, honoring life with every breath that we take, every step we embrace.