Love Poem: To Friends and Family
Val Jennings Avatar
Written by: Val Jennings

To Friends and Family

The best of life is waiting for us to enter in
to covenants and promises and cleanliness from sin.
God's gifts to us are many. We see them everyday.
Good friends, a full and joyful life, are treasures
for which we pray.
In faith, we must believe that Jesus is our Lord.
He wants for us Eternal Life. You are cherished
children, treasured and adored.
When we change our heart and soul, doing all we can.
He welcomes us into His arms. This is His Father's plan.
As we repent of broken ties
He binds and mends our wounds.
He was wounded for our sins.
He came here to atone. Christ bids us to follow Him.
He's obedient to the Plan.
He is obedient to His Father.
We must do all we can. Jesus makes up the difference.
He saves us from the loss.
Sin and sorrow can defeat us.
For us, He paid the cost.
Obedience is the answer. In humility we pray.
We change our lives to honor Him.
He councils. We obey.
Sometimes we stray from the path.
But Christ is always near.
His loving voice is calling us.
His warning is always clear.
Return home with honor. Forgive your fellow man.
God will save us from our sins. He sent One who can!