Love Poem: Tiny Baby
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Written by: Mandy Cabral

Tiny Baby

Tiny flutters like tiny unfelt yet kicks
Little baby, a sweet mother’s bliss
A mother who can't wait to give the tiny you
Hugs and lots of kisses too 

I dreamed last night of your tiny face
An angel indeed, made from God’s sweet embrace 
A miracle that has come about 
Ment as a gift from God too daddy and I no doubt

When everyone else thought it would never happen again
When our tear drops were falling like rain 
We got the joyful news that you were due to come 
I could feel my heart beating in my ears like a drum

I know that somehow you can now hear
Oh, what a thrill you will bring us here!
Now hush my baby, it’s time to rest
Inside my womb, your own calm nest

May God help me to keep you safe
And always keep you strong, I pray
I loved you before you were even conceived 
And I love you more now that I have you

love your mommy