Love Poem: Time Heals All Wounds

Time Heals All Wounds

"Time Heals All Wounds" Time Heals All Wounds - An English Proverb Created in Published Books for Adult & Children Versions by M.M. Master Poly Crown. Authoress ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ love invades enchantingly to capture a heart's emotion revealing passionate masquerade in treacherous disguise a treasure chest of broken dreams now cast into deep ocean soon sensitive feelings shrivel into wallowing ash surprise. scars carved within a trusting soul escapes to shedding tears a sheep in wolf's clothing left signature of indelible mark haunting memories abide as romantic whims submit to fears flying beyond golden Moon to extinguish lovers spark. an ancient adage of English Proverb soothes a fading dream for Time Heals All Wounds eventually as Life evolves yet hurt and pain insist to linger clouding future schemes forgive the one who wronged you for love believes absolve. *For Frank Herrera's Notable Quotations Contest.