Love Poem: Time
Joe Dimino Avatar
Written by: Joe Dimino


After much consideration
I have decided that, Time
is both longest and shortest
word in the dictionary...

so long, it can only be measured
in digestible fragments

so short, it takes only a careless moment
to end two lives – 

My thoughts go back to your accident:

How a second can sever like a scalpel,

terminating the lifeline connecting two hearts
with one fatal slice...

(two lives with one stroke of the clock – Tick Tock)

(Time, the infinite multiplier of joy and grief)

I know – Suck it up! Breathe the loss in and out
like Brahma! We are spiritual beings at our core;
someday to meet again on a plane of restored
bliss – where Time and Space give way to
eternal contentment and happiness – 

But,  “Have Faith” at the moment, seems hopelessly
entangled with my hourglass of other cliches: Just in
time. Out of time. In the nick of time. Time – all pasts
and the future of all presents, to be managed by
many, like myself, through their recurring lapses into
heartfelt Limbo.