Love Poem: Thoughts



Thoughts of – conceived within the womb of my mind.
Reality of – it is her desire to terminate before birth – so unkind !

Thoughts of – built upon this old man’s illusions.
Reality – dreams and desires of – constructions of delusions.
With you – I have felt, I feel not but confusion.

Love, respect, consideration- from you, I‘d love to find.
Passion known – making love with you – would be so sublime.
Oh !, how I would love to reach, and touch the end of my time
in the arms, the glory, the thoughts of  you – beyond this rhyme.

It appears – from your words, your actions – there will be no fusion
of minds, bodies, souls or spirits as I real in the throes of confusion.
Confusion that comes on the heels of a reality – it is one and not two.
Lone on this journey – there will be I – elsewhere, it will be only you.
As I contemplate, us to be as one, I have to wonder ?, nothing I can do !

B. J. “A ” 2
January 23rd 2007