Love Poem: Though We Be

Though We Be

Though we be separated by great distance,
many a miles the gulf between us
Our two hearts walk always together
Though your face I have yet to see,
your distant eyes look affectionately towards me
Smiles to smiles shrink our sea of space,
this enormous chasm evaporates
with one call from a cell
You wishing me well ... your voice full of love,
this I can tell
Though we be ever so far away,
our hearts have drawn only nearer
Such a beautiful paradox to witness:
I rest east of Eden,
you rest west of paradise
Perhaps we will be together
in the next life
As for today,
sweet loneliness is the price we both pay
Though we be true lovers,
with hands that have never touched
We do strengthen each other
with comforting words from the heart unrushed