Love Poem: This Is How My Story Ends
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Written by: Vijay Pandit

This Is How My Story Ends

You're being fallacious, saying I still loved her
Accusing me of falsity to prey on emotions
When it was really you, whom I truly admired
But you ran for the exit, way before we tried.

When I first met her, in a chance encounter
Dazzle me she did, with brilliant scarlet colors
Sharing with me how deeply she yearned more.

Charmed by her visage, I let feelings ride
Being curious to agnize, why did she tantalize
Flirting with my eyes, resting on my vibes
Floating on my air, charming my universe,

Till I saw him with her, inciting me to bewilder
Who was that man, who held her in embrace
Taking boldly my place, while kissing her face.

As I felt all my oxygen eviscerate from lungs
Spinning like a vortex, my emotions whirled 
Taking a plunge into abyss of the unknown.

I didn't see it then, this is how my story ends
Perhaps it's best to skip reasoned arguments,
Especially those love doesn't comprehend
For in matters of heart, logic seldom helps.

June 17, 2017
Eight word challenge 7-- by John Hamilton
Agnize = to be fully aware or cognizant