Love Poem: Thinking of Writing a Book
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Written by: Chandra Hart

Thinking of Writing a Book

I am thinking of putting all of my poems in a book.  I have around 80-90 of them.  
This is what I have come up with so far for an intro.  Your comments will be 
greatly appreciated.  This may take two entries so be sure to check.  Thank you.

My life has always been a little different.  My parents divorced when I was 4 years 
old so that meant every other weekend and for a month in the summer I was with 
my dad, other than that I was living with my mom.  The atmospheres at each 
house were quite different.  Now, not o say that both parents didn’t love me 
because I know they did, but they were two completely different environments.  My 
dad liked to drink and there was usually quite a shindig at his house, my mom’s 
was always a little more relaxed and “family oriented” so to speak.  We went to 
church with my mom every Sunday and it wasn’t always so with my dad.  My dad 
remarried for the first time when I was about 6 or 7.  He and this woman had a 
baby and shortly after divorced.  After the divorce my half-sister and her mom 
moved to Michigan, we didn’t get to se a lot of her and eventually my dad let her 
step-dad adopt her and that changed a lot of things.  My dad remarried again 
when I was about 8 or 9.  He and this woman, Sheila, had two children.  She was 
the love of his life and she is an amazing woman.  My mom remarried for the first 
time when I was 11.  The marriage lasted for about 7 years. He was very 
controlling and they divorced, it was probably the best thing for all of us.  My mom 
remarried again when I was 19.  He is a wonderful man; I have never seen my 
mom as happy as she is now.  His name is Don.  I now have a total of 9 siblings, 
I don’t get to see all of them very often, but it’s always interesting.
	When I was 15 is when my world was turned completely upside 