Love Poem: Think Twice Before You Get the Guy
Adeleke Adeite Avatar
Written by: Adeleke Adeite

Think Twice Before You Get the Guy

You cried and crooned and 
told him ''bob you're a 
cheap cheat'',
you forgot all the pleasant 
perfumes and terrific treat.
''It was you who started 
this'' he said, you stirred 
this storm,
you gave a flaked facade to 
get the wealth in this worm.

You craved colourful and 
crazy cruise, not a cool 
You sold your soul for 
silver, you are
now in starked 
Money, mansion and make 
up, you made up you mind,
fortune, flavour and fame, 
all in just a man you seek to 

You got it, on his couch, 
you were
cocooned in comfort,
but he messed up your 
mind, he made you a mild 
in a high class house with 
high heat, you hoped for 
Your beauty was bought 
with bites, battery and 

You wanted wealth 
without wisdom... you got 
a waste,
you wanted treasures 
without truth in its thrust 
and taste;
you got that gorgeous guy 
on a platter of platinun 
he gave you a real ride and 
a red
card like a trash-tomato.