Love Poem: There's Something About U-

There's Something About U-


Something about you;
Have realigned my view;
The thought of you;
Come clear so true;
Darling just I say, I love U;

Whatever you do;
I’d always be true;
At 1st, 2nd and ever glance;
Come alas my darling (I) choose;
To just be humbly devoted to you;

Sometimes you;
Come unto;
A being so true;
So ever true;
You’re sunshiny face;
Your heaven warmth your grace;
Anoints you steps every pace by pace;

Darling just I say, I love U
Comes so clear ever so true;
I’d never, ever be blue;
With those thoughts of U;
You’ve realigned my view;
Ahh! There’s something about U;

Written words by James Edward Lee Sr. ©2021