Love Poem: Then Off-Line
Mike Bayles Avatar
Written by: Mike Bayles

Then Off-Line

caress of early light    birthday wishes posted on facebook     waking without a sound    soft calling of my love who’s offline    an unfinished poem on the nightstand    remnants of stars hide above passing clouds    a morning’s meditation centered on breath    soulful solitude    I see her late morning    she covers my lunch    yet something left unsaid    I show her the poem and she smiles    yet something left unsaid    she rubs her eyes and looks out the window    I look for something new to say    yet a story told bears telling again    I look up on my cell phone the ways to say I love you    uncertain skies    she says she sings her daughter lullabies    a tip left    touching of hands while I linger    she says see you soon    I hear something more than words