Love Poem: The Youthful Month of June
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Written by: Dennis Spilchuk

The Youthful Month of June

The Youthful Month of June

Hummingbirds hover amid the fragrant air
O’er honeysuckle flowers and roses fair.
Free doves to fly and rain confetti and rice,
Where in the garden my bride and I abide
In the summery view of the charming moon,
In the youthful month of June.

Moonstone ring and pearl string adorn her finger and neck
Whereupon my chest, her head gently rests
With the softest touch, that says I love you so much.
And I savour her beauty in words of poetry,
Quoting Byron, Browning, Shelly, and Keats.

Aye, she melts my heart with her French accent
“L’amour est une chose merveilleuse entre moi et vous
(Love is a wonderful thing between me and you).
Toujours vrai (forever true)”
In the youthful month of June.

   “June” is the first month of summer, and has the longest day of the year (summer solstice), around June 21st. The name June comes from the Latin word “Juvenis”, which means young people; and is a popular month to marry. June’s birthstones include moonstone and pearl. Roses and honeysuckles are June’s flowers which symbolize love, devotion and generosity, while the dove is the representative bird for the month.