Love Poem: The Willow Tree At the End of the Road
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Written by: Rebecca Watson

The Willow Tree At the End of the Road

I must have been 7 when I first climbed that old willow tree,
The gang called it the club house.
There was Jodie, Bridget and of course Rebecca the Wrecker. 
I think that that tree was more of school than school.
It was more a parent than my parents.
I certainly learned more about life, boys and the fear of falling,
Than any other place I've been.
We once placed 5 snake eyed marbles there.
The first was Courage in Adversity.
The second marble was Joy in the good times.
The third was Faith to overcome Doubt.
The fourth was Love thy Father.
The fifth marble was Love thy Mother.

I went back one day, all grown up.
I saw that the council had a sign on the tree.
This tree is regarded as unsafe. 
Please beware.

Oh doubt in my childhood. Fear in the  every day.
Let not the pangs of daily life ever erase
The treasured moments in that tree.