Love Poem: The Wife
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Written by: Cheryl Brown

The Wife

I will no longer mourn.
For nothing was lost.

Yes, I shed my tears with the spring rain;
The summer sun incinerated my soul;
Blood fell from my heart with marigold leaves in autumn;
Winter held me and listened to me weep.

My pain was deep like a blade thrust into my back; 
It ripped my flesh open to expose me.
My lover, no longer mine,
A stranger to my touch.
Love abandoned me.

But I will no longer mourn.
For nothing was lost.

I hold on to faith.
It is my blanket and my peace.
I wrap it around my body;
I bury myself in it and feel its warmth in our empty bed.
I whisper its name beneath my breath,
And let the winds carry it to heaven.

I hold on to faith that my love will come back to me. 
My dear, 
I will wait, 
Because nothing was lost.