Love Poem: The Value of Friendship

The Value of Friendship

When you decide to have a friend - keep these things in mind.
Your whole world is about to change - in this do not be blind!
Friendship is a two way street - give and take equally on either side.
Filling your Friendship with Love and Trust - will give you both a sense of pride!

Before making a friendship commitment - be sure you can go the distance.
Be there for your friend in all types of situations - even sometimes finance.
They may need your sympathetic ear - or to cry on your shoulder.
To help with their health issues - or to remove a stubborn boulder.

It may be something simple - food items or household tasks.
A truly good friend - will put on various masks.
Spend as much quality time with your friend - as you possibly can!
Whether it be spur of the moment - or if you form a plan.