Love Poem: The Unknown Figure
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Written by: Trudy Schrader

The Unknown Figure

When we first met
Your light blinded my senses
I got too close
When your presence obliterated my fences

No boundaries with you
Your fragrance made me tired
As your promise of passion
Got my furnace all fired

Up, Up, Up to your face
Of  golden beauty
Causing me to forget
My marital duty

Promises, Promises
Just words spoken on a rainy day
But this is real, because I can feel
All that my flesh wants to say

Wait, where am I
What are these silky threads
That are so soft
My heart presses my mind to dread

The sleep has waned to a stupor
And my legs are wobbly with lack
What brought me to
I don't think I can get back
...on track

Oh, there is no track
I'll just lie down for a while
"GET up you sluggard!
Your husband knows you're defiled!"

My body becomes limp
With every try to stand erect
The threads grow tighter
And burden my elect
...tion, shunned
............what have I DONE!



That cry, that Tehillah cry
Brought down Daddy God
Who knew all along
That THIS road I must trod

So that the lies of wrong vs right
Would never persuade me again
Because the long and short of "sin"
Is doing anything without HIM

The reason HE is in charge
Is because HE walked the way out of hell
When I chose to yell and expel the enemy 
I walked out as well, now I am charged to tell

His arms are infinitely lengthened
His LOVE is all encompassing
To find His children and strengthen
....the heart to FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

Written by Trudy Schrader on 02-09-2019

Note: A tehillah praise is a yielded heart cry that reaches a LOVING God from a place of complete dependence. I can't count the times, when in the night, I have said, "JESUS!" What I find, every time, is that He is the overseer, pulling out of me, strength, and resilience I was unaware of, and it can only be found IN Him. Oh, and the first time I heard of this type of cry, was listening to Tommy Bates. That message is on YouTube. Check it out.