Love Poem: The Twelve Kisses of *saturn - Part 2

The Twelve Kisses of *saturn - Part 2

* (Saturn is esoterically associated with the twelfth month of December)
… when you are away and I need you, I look into the depths of the nearest flower, even if it’s a dandelion, then lie down beside it like a lamb, a reborn lion satiated – and subdued by your perfume, reveling in sweat of the conquest… * * * … our journey is swaying through foreign moments, yet familiar and near and darkly shimmering, perhaps burnished by nector crushed from ebony pearls, olive juice splashing our astonished ogling of the nascent moon, swaying under its hidden riddle and tumbling into our abyss of its soft-smoldering glow – simmering rhythm of pearl-ebony… * * * … cities, those faceless monoliths, are cancers, love an acid-sweet erosion stripping bare the maze of our sinews sobbing with resplendent excruciation, racked across the bosom of pavement, concrete, glass and steel, the blackened gems of our streets fleeing ecstatic through our marrow to blazing ghettos of the noon-high sun gluttonously hungry to be warmed – and quenched, endlessly fed…