Love Poem: The Tree
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Written by: Jen Padernal

The Tree

He was a tiny little tree
With branches so slender and thin
With leaves so soft and tender
The roots so light but tucked into the ground so tight
He was a tiny little tree
Free spirited, innocent, fragile

Until the forces of nature came
Screaming at him, shouting and beating him to death
But the tree held tight, and fought for its life
He braved the storm to survive
The tree survive but almost without a heart
The tree grew, with branches hard, firm and without a care

Not the warmth of sunny summer days touching his face
Nor the beautiful flowers of spring caressing his chest
Not the calmness of the autumn whispering in his ears
Nor the softness of snow falling into his palm,
None of these, Could soften the heart of the wounded tree
Nothing could break the spell of pain that engulf his spirit

Until a force so strong yet so gentle came to embrace the tree
A force so loud yet so calm, so firm yet so patient
The force’s hands nurtured him, though the tree ran far and fast
Hid from valley, to mountains, to the top of the hills
The force patiently followed the tree
The force never left the tree

Then one day the tree woke up as if from a very long and tiring sleep
It realizes the force was a no ordinary force
It was the softest and yet the strongest among all the forces in the universe
Its power is phenomenal, inevitable, and unexplainable
Ahh, yes it is the force he longed waited for
It is LOVE, the greatest force of all

The tree is no longer a tree now
The enthralling spell was broken
The tree turned into a MAN, a no ordinary man
He is a man, one with the force, one with love