Love Poem: The Sun
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Written by: Bryan Griffin

The Sun


Today the world is sorrow and pain
dark clouds and falling rain.
All the silver linings have vanished into ash
and all the good days have long since passed.
What can be done to bring back the sun
to feel its warmth renew my soul,
to feel the rose against my face,
and smell its odor sweet?
How can I touch the rose
without touching the thorn?
How can I love 
without feeling pain?

I’ll remember that life is good
savored with the bitter herb.
I’ll remember that today is a gift
to be cherished and shared.
My lady and I we’ll share the sun
walking in the rain.
We’ll forget the pain and carry on
In the beauty I call love,
remembering that life is best when it is 
shaken not stirred.