Love Poem: The Story of Joseph
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Written by: Jim Pemberton

The Story of Joseph

I’m sure that you remember the Bible story
Of Joseph… Who lost his “honor and glory.”

This one, who was betrayed by his brothers.
And be tempted into the arms of another…

Having been thrown into prison, and “cast out.”
He still knew what his God was all about.

He never once forgot the day or the hour!
Years later, he was released and then put into power!

The same ones who betrayed him, later returned..,
Joseph treated them with love and concern.

He could’ve remembered the hurt he endured.
He had his reasons to.  That’s for sure!

Instead, he forgave what his brothers did!
And expressed the Godly way to forgive!

He spoke kindness in what he had to say.
God began to use him in a mighty way!

There’s a lesson, for us all to be sough..t.
We should be forgiving,
 as our Lord taught.

No matter what happened, or whatever the situation...
We need to forgive, even if there’s no explanation.

If we can’t forgive…  How can we be forgiven?
We need to be Christ’ example
 in how we’re livin’!

If we can forgive, like Joseph did,
 than God can use us!
If we won’t forgive… 
 Do we want him to refuse us?

The power to forgive is your key to Godly success…
Then, as Joseph was, will you be greatly blessed!

By Jim Pemberton