Love Poem: The Story I'M About To Tell
Juli- Michelle Avatar
Written by: Juli- Michelle

The Story I'M About To Tell

Includes hearts, selling things, numbers, and confusion
But it is undeniably true
                          And undeniably odd
                                             Because things like this
                                             (amazing as it may be)
                           May happen to you
But it never happens to me
      He walked up to me, and I stopped him with a flier
A pink flier of hearts and valentines food specials
      He turned it down, "I don't have a valentine," He said,
And with a solemn face, he walked away from me
But then he turned around
                 And walked back to me
                                And asked me for my number
                                                ...and asked me for my number??

      I gave it to him, and hours later we began talking
"What are you doing on valentines day?" He asked
      "Nothing." So he and I have made plans to so something
To go on a first date, on the day of red affection

This is undeniably true
               But what am I to do?
                               They say to take the date....
                                                     But I really just feel like bait
                              Because things like this? don't happen
               Don't happen to me
And yet, I find I'm happy