Love Poem: The Sorrow In and of Poetry

The Sorrow In and of Poetry

When Broken Hearts, spill their Tears, Emotions, Quiver in my Quill
I Remember, after all these Years, Our First Kiss My Heart feels “Thrill”

Before Sorrow came and destroyed my Heart. I remember “The Golden Pen”
A combined Imagination of “POETRY”, set Apart, an Archive to be opened- WHEN??

Tranquility : Why do YOU hide from my Heart?? “ The Sorrow in and of POETRY “
Why do YOU sever , The Soul, I know I will be with “LENORE” for the Eons of " FOREVER "

Dedicated in LOVING MEMORY of “ L E N O R E “ , My LIFE, My WIFE, My ETERNITY
                                                             To Be Cont.