Love Poem: The Rosebush
Probir Gupta Avatar
Written by: Probir Gupta

The Rosebush

Despite the clouds
Despite the tempest
I will stay

My sands are
Crowded with shadows
Dark and irritating

In your bouquet
I have seen
Splash of love

Despite the cactuses
Despite the nettles
I will stay

I have been
To many temples
Same lonely shadows

I have been 
To churches too
Same tall eucalyptus

I have been 
To many windows
Didn't find rose

Despite the refusal
Your sharp statements
A flame was unmistakeable

A flame for
My hungry palm
Waves of warmth

Green and soft
Leaves like lotus
Peace in nucleus

A blue nest
A little rest
A cool fireplace

My shocked canvas
Tired and torn
Will now rest

Let me lean
Against your thorn
Until the day

The flowers glow
July 22, 2017