Love Poem: The Resurrection of Christ From the Dead
Andrew Crisci Avatar
Written by: Andrew Crisci

The Resurrection of Christ From the Dead

Easter has a profound significance...
the resurrection of Christ from the dead,
and after Lent, there's no abstinence or penance;
sacrificed, as prophesied was the Pascal Lamb!
Lord, take all my sins away...
with true meekness I pray! 

Easter begins at sunrise
and the faithful sing with triumphant voices,
to glorify the unblemished
Lamb of God so hallowed and reigning!
Lord, take all my sins away...
with true meekness I pray! 

Christ, the worthy Lamb, was slain
and now He has risen from Hell,
paying with His shed blood our iniquities in full...
and whoever follows Him will be greatly rewarded! 
Lord, take all my sins away...
with true meekness I pray!

There stands, on His Heavenly throne, 
the Word revealed to us on the day of resurrection...
not scourged and crucified on the hill of Calvary,
but raised and glorified by the Father of eternity!
With true meekness I pray,...
Lord, take all my sins away!

He died for our sake, and love was His gift,
and as divine as He was, He even endured thirst;
let's dwell in His holy temple that man's malevolence
can't ever tear down or menace with vindictiveness!
Lord, take all my sins away...
with true meekness I pray!