Love Poem: The Respected Poetess (Repost)

The Respected Poetess (Repost)

She is Poet Laureate,Honored   ESTEEMED     Among old , young on the    SOUP
She is a Mother of  Poetry, A    MATRIARCH   Looked up to POETIC         WISDOM
Elaine George  very special       POETESS      Poetry through  her pen       FLOWS
Poetess among  POETESS         REVERED      POETESS through and       THROUGH
Novice, Amateur, Professional   EMULATES                                               HER 
We read, see hear  feel her       SENSITIVITY   Magic of  HER feathered     QUILL
Her Poetic written knowledge     SERENELY        Flows through her Golden    PEN 

 A Poetess  so deserving of        OBEISANCE      Acknowledging  her       TEACHING 
Suspense, Love, Intrigue             FORMED         For HER  FELLOW             POETS

Elaine George Writing  Her          POETRY          HEARTFELT  POEMS         OF  LOVE
Poems that touch Your Heart       OFTEN           Exhilarate the mind’s       EMOTIONS
AWE wonder for the G O D She   EXALTS         HER GOLDEN  PEN of        FEELINGS 
HER Comments , Endearing         T H E            POETRY World  TALKS       ABOUT
No posted Haikus to short  ; to     REAL          I enjoy YOUR  Rhymes of      LIFE 
                                                 Y O U

                          A Tribute to the LOVELY  "LADY  ELAINE  GEORGE"
                                   Written For Christie Moses' Contest
                                     POETRY SOUP FRIEND TRIBUTES