Love Poem: The Reason Is You
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Written by: Pamela Bland

The Reason Is You

You're the reason why I smile,
You make everything worth while.
I wish that I could be in your arms,
Holding you tight keeping you away from harm.
We have a connection that is strong,
With you is where I belong.
There is no distance that is too great,
That could keep us from what is our fate.
Talking to you makes my day,
Because when we speak all problems go away.
We've never met but I trust you'll be there for me,
To always make me happy.
I'll never forget how you've change my life,
And turned the darkness into light.
It's crazy how much we are the same,
You understand me with out having to explain.
When I go to sleep you're in my dreams,
Hoping of the day we can be a team.
When we meet is a matter of time,
If you needed me I'd be there with the drop of a dime.
But all I want is to be by your side,
To fill the loneliness in your life.
Giving you what you deserve,
Showing you all that you're worth.
You're the only person who knows me beginning to end,
With out judgement or need to offend.
I can't wait til the day we meet,
Because what we have has become so deep.
You're heart is so big and filled with care,
That's why we make the perfect pair.


Dedicated to the man I love

 December 23, 2013
~The One and Only~