Love Poem: The Rapture Vs the No Rapture

The Rapture Vs the No Rapture

Both groups have one thing in common
They cannot summon the Second Coming of Jesus!
Both groups have one thing in common
They do believe that Jesus died on 
The Cross for the sins of the world!
Both groups have one thing in common
They do love their families and they do love the Lord Jesus!
Both groups have one thing in common
They both want to reach people for the Lord!
Both groups have one thing in common
They both believe that Jesus will return!

Let Jesus be our knowledge because love is before everything!
We go into all the world and make disciples
Whether there is a rapture or no rapture
Don’t just lay in a corner
You are not a mourner but 
Go into all the world and make disciples! 

Mark Frank

Copyright 2023