Love Poem: The Photograph
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Written by: Helen J Radford

The Photograph

I found a photograph today. 
Its discovery agitated my emotions 
and I caught my breath. 
There you were - suspended - 
like some ancient fly held 
eternally in amber. 
Pose, expression, frozen - always. 

I found a photograph today. 
It awoke a memory long forgotten: 
It was a hot sultry day. 
We had travelled to our arrival 
and we argued, our tempers 
shortened by the blistering heat. 

My neat linen skirt had creased 
- like my mood - and you were rude. 
What did you say?  I can hear the tone 
but the words are gone now and 
suddenly unimportant....washed away 
down the plughole of insignificance.... 

Gurgling then gone - lost in the 
annals of broken promises and accumulating 
hurt which precipitated our goodbye. 
I look into your petrified eyes - 
eyes that sparkled when I loved you 
yet metamorphosed into damming hate at times. 

Is your hand touching mine? 
I remember when it did - tenderly - 
I remember your fingers .... graceful somehow, 
artistic, creative, piano playing, painting, 
then hitting, hurting - same hands yet tender no more. 
Same hands, there in the photograph, no, not touching. 

I found a photograph today. 
Its discovery rankled my emotions 
and I held my breath - 
like I did when you frightened me 
with your unpredictability. 
Your ability to swing from light to dark in an instant. 

Yes, I found a photograph today 
but its gone now ....... 
Torn to tatters and thrown into the wind. 
Therapeutic in its destruction. 
Aiding and abetting reconstruction 
of a future without you. 

You're gone - 
washed away - 
gone - down the plughole of insignificance. 
Gone in the cleansing of reminiscence. 
Gone, gone, gone........ 
....................... and forgotten.