Love Poem: The Other Church

The Other Church

The other Church

Kai - Pembrokeshire
Way back beyond the crested waves that spill the ocean
‘Church Rock’ towers with puffins and seagulls singing
the tune of nature how many times have I prayed to God

Tai - Southbroom

When times are rough she takes the image and sits on
the rocks in silent meditation where the tussle of spray
paints her sorrows with birdsong and healing embrace

When the surf had taken me below rocks and foundations
I asked to help out at the soup kitchen to lighten my load
emerge from darkness but ‘sorry we do not need you here'

When she had her first child out of wedlock the pastor 
said ‘you are evil this must be Satan’s child’ and again
there was no meagre space at the inn for illegitimate joy

The Buddha rocked me gently into a cumbersome slumber
and Tai was embraced by the Jewish community and showered
with food and clothes for the miracle child starred with David

Tai and Kai – the Universe

There is love beyond borders and the sky is the limit the waters
flow freely from source to the sea and when hypocrisy beckons
there is elsewhere a church called kindness compassion and love 

15th February 2017