Love Poem: The Other
Anonymous Ah Avatar
Written by: Anonymous Ah

The Other

I am sure
that you miss
the way
I saw you
Before you 
grew cold
So understand
like you did
just for
a little while:

This home
is my home
and it will
be broken
no matter how
much I've changed;
no matter
how much
we all try
it will stay
so low
It's no wonder
I'm always high

This boy
is my man
and I just can't
love him right
No matter how
long he has waited;
no matter
how much
he has tried
Surprise, surprise
It's no wonder 
I'm always high

Pride comes
before a fall
But see,
I was born down here
what does it matter?
I'll make it easy
and be on my way
But before
I let you go
Let me look at you