Love Poem: The Mood 1/2
Ravindra K Kapoor Avatar
Written by: Ravindra K Kapoor

The Mood 1/2

The Mood					1/2

I want to adore you, O, Mood today
Without you, we find it difficult to write any thing
Even it is difficult to dream or imagine anything

Without You O Mood,
We neither can appreciate the beauty of a blooming Rose
Nor we can enjoy its enchanting fragrance

Without You O Mood,
It is difficult to enjoy and feel, even a heart touching melody
Flowing like a breeze, in the air all around us

Without You O Mood,
We even can not feel the beauty in its alluring form
When women open its charms and want to take every thing in arms

Without You O Mood
We can not be enthralled to dance in the season of spring
When others feeling its charms, are singing joyous songs

Without You O Mood,
We can not feel young, even after drinking nectar
To enjoy the blessings of youth and to replay the Evergreen tree Song

Ravindra 					to be concluded in 2/2

Kanpur India. 7th April 2010