Love Poem: The Mirror
Corey Brown Avatar
Written by: Corey Brown

The Mirror

The mirror, the mirror, the mirror, the mirror
I love her eternally, but got dammit I fear her! Beautiful and stunning, 
I see this myself.
But the enemy is her self-perception when staring in the mirror.
Only when it fogs can you see the true you. 
Because only then are you blind to the scars 
and the blemishes and the pain that you've been through.
The mirror, a liar, a false representation of your intellect and mind. 
In the mirror you look for confidence, but beauty you'll never find.
The mirror, the mirror, the mirror, the mirror
I love her eternally, but got dammit I fear her!
And I feel her pain everytime she complains
About a transformation and a change,
Asking herself why is my body still the same? In the mirror.
You're reflection refuses to give you the love you deserve,
The you feel inferior after believing every word.
The mirror, the mirror, the mirror, the mirror.
Tell you a thousand times how can I make it any clearer?
Take this, break the glass, it won't smash your dreams
Sweep away your insecurities 
You're beautiful to someone, beautiful to you, beautiful to me.