Love Poem: The Memorial Service
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Written by: Franklin Price

The Memorial Service

As you probably already know (if you don't I apologize) my wife, and life's  partner, has departed this life and gone to heaven to be with other loved ones who have passed before her. I am mourning her departure but know she would want me to carry on and make her proud of me. So that's what I intend to do.

Many of you have inquired about a memorial service. Barbara and I talked many times about our passing and our desires when it occurred. I hope and pray that you understand our decision and that you celebrate who she was in life, and not dwell on, or be consumed by, the sadness we're feeling of her death. She is not gone from our lives until we no longer remember or are gone ourselves.

I have written the following poem that is the result of our decision about our memorial services. I thank God that he has given me the gift to write such poems. Maybe God took her first so I would be around to honor her in this way. I love you Barbara.

The Memorial Service
For Barbara Popovits Price
By Franklin A. Price

On eighteen January, the year was twenty twenty-two
My wife, whom I love dearly, left this world to me and you.

She was lifted to a better place, to a new home in the sky
I believe she's gone to heaven where I'll meet her when I die.

The life we lived together was the best that it could be.
She'll never leave my broken heart, always live in memory.

The years that we were married were the best ones of my life.
We shared, our all, our everything, love and happiness, some strife

Through it all we worked together to make the vows we said a fact.
She's still here and whispering, in my ear, the second act;

Speaks of  the years we spent together, of the life she gladly shared.
She asks me how my day went. Tells me just how much she cared

To all her friends and family, all the ones who hold her dear,
If you listen very closely, she'll also whisper in your ear

We could have had a service, a sad and somber, crying wake
We should rather celebrate her life, and her love, for goodness sake!

I'm in the home we made together. You're always welcome at our place
We'll tell tales of how she touched us, recall her loving, smiling face.