Love Poem: The Love That Woos My Soul
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Written by: Bj Legros Kelley

The Love That Woos My Soul

The Love of God which woos my soul

                           An upwards gaze, eternal goal

                       His love breaks forth at break of day

                       The light of love on life's pathway

                       He woos my soul and fills my heart

                         His Song of Love will not depart

                          Abba, Father, Your Loving Hands

                           Lifting to life from dying lands

                      You are the Lord Who woos my soul,

                         You are my Hope's eternal goal

                            It was You Lord, all along

                    In perfect Love and sweetest song 

                        Darkest nights will pass away

                     Your mercies renewed every day

                  Your Love dear Jesus, woos my soul

                 Your love, my King, my upwards goal         

                      Oh, ever be my upwards gaze, 

                   Your precious love, amazing grace