Love Poem: The Loss of You

The Loss of You

What am I feeling today?

I feel like a cracked vessel

Leaking out all my sorrow

I so miss you my love

I ponder on the days you were near

Even in the next room

Just knowing your closeness

Held my world together

Even though

Often you just lay there sleeping

Wasting away

My heart rested in the knowledge

I could touch you

Care for you

Have you need me

I knew also

deep deep down

Hidden from view

That maybe

I would soon lose you

But it was a far away dark hill

That I chose not to see

I chose only to see the sunny days

And not the sorrows of

Lonely nights and gray days

Because our love was immortal

Yes your love lives on in me

But how hard it is

Not to be able to reach out

To clasp your strong hands

To wrap my fingers in yours

To entwine myself like a vine

Around your tender heart

To share our words

To receive the look

That flowed with love from your eyes

For me

I was filled like a cup that overflows

I cherish these memories

We shared so much

In all our years together

Raising families

Through the joys and pains

We often shared

In our growing together
But what love it forged in us To endure- to overcome To face the challenges as one We were steadfast But now like a tree turns Into a fence post A plank into a house Or ultimately Into a cross I come now and lay my burdens down At the cross- ever so grateful Because you shall rise in newness of life In the twinkling of an eye We, together, will rise Mortality Will be caught up into Immortality Because of Love- Such a great Love- Love that overcame death for you and I Copyright- Brenda V Northeast 29th March 2011