Love Poem: The Language of Your Soul Is Written On Your Lips

The Language of Your Soul Is Written On Your Lips

The Language of Your Soul 
is Written on Your Lips
Heat nor sweat could contain
lips hungering
for the dialect of a soul
written passion
formed syllables of desire
round breath and skin
arching pressing 
to fit the puzzle of bodies
where each sensation curves
Touch could not define
though by design caressed
deep inside
each spontaneous kiss
separated and joined with softness
wanting revealed secret
given and taken
between eyes arms breasts and legs
Tracing each scythe of beauty
voicing a moment composed
in eternity
its mantle parted and penetrated
lifting by strength and tenderness
lovers exposed in fullness
Ardour nor sex could restrain
a kisses need for food
its sustenance the symphony of  loves deliverance
composing sensuality
carving and craving the syllabus of rapture
within panting flesh
spanning such urgent wanting
completing mystery 
where singly and separately excitement reaches out
to another person
Lays subdued in languid drifting
a moment to lift from sleeping
the heat and sweat which could not contain
lips still longing
for the language of your soul