Love Poem: The Lady Down the Lane
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Written by: Curtis Johnson

The Lady Down the Lane

She was 30 years my senior but forbade me to call her, mother.
She was beloved by her family, her church, and her many friends,
and to me, she was always encouraging and uplifting in every way.
Some people tend to turn inward with age and grow bitter over time.
Yet others like my 90-plus friend grow sweeter and ever outwardly.                                                                   
My wife and I were often invited to her home for desert and coffee. When             made aware of my great love for nuts, she always had plenty of them on a table just for me. She loved going out to dinner and spending time with us. She believed in reaching out to others, and was a real lover of people and      of her God. In her presence I was made to feel important and even special.                                                                  

There are those who are indeed pearls of great price, valued coins lost in a field, and we often speak of certain people as being a national treasure. In my life time I have been tremendously blessed to rub shoulders with such people. My eyes are getting teary as I write about our dear friend who was certainly a personal treasure to me.                                                

As she approached the century mark, her daughter lovingly decided to move her to live with her family.  Considering her age, I was understanding of the move but sad that we would no longer enjoy her company and draw from the love of her heart.  Although I missed the last few years of her life, I am deeply grateful for having known a rare and great soul during those years we shared.

031220PoSpCtest, The Lady Down The Lane, Craig Cornish