Love Poem: The Ladies of Poetry Soup
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Written by: Michael Jordan

The Ladies of Poetry Soup

I pay homage to a special group
Our ladies here on Poetry Soup

I shall start my list with mother Beer
A Lady with whom I hold so dear

Of Elaine George it’s clear to see
She melts my heart with her poetry

When it comes to Sharon what can I say
I would humbly bow before her any day

For my friend Rhoda it is clearly written
With her as momma cat I wish I were a kitten

Katherine with her darling Jenny so bright
The two of them together are a sheer delight

Michaela is off to Collage excited this year
I’ve never met a soul that is so dear

We have two Ladies fighting for their boys
Mary and Christy both deserve all life’s joys

Two more ladies that are really swell
My friends Laura and the darling Adell

Margaret is special, kind and really sweet
The most spiritual lady I ever did meet

We have a Mermaid off the Australian Coast
To my dear friend Robyn I propose a toast

Carol please know these words are true
Never in this life could I forget you
I guess I must be getting a little dreary
I have yet to mention Karen O’Leary

To Astrid, Bella, Farrah, Peggy and Rene’
I am blessed you have all passed my way

Speaking of blessings these words are true 
Crystal proves we are blessed by what we do

One special Lady just sets my heart aglow
Tis my oldest daughter Sarah Jho

The two I hold in my prayers and memory
God watch over Tami Violet and Lynn Marie

I must tell the truth for I shall tell no lies
Added this cause I forgot Carrie and Heidie Buys

And now I am feeling very low and blue
Cause I went and forgot Patricia and Kristin to

I didn't even have to think it over twice
Before I jumped back and added D-nyce

I didn’t realize when I started this endeavor
That the list could just go on and on forever

I must end this poem for it’s starting to hurt
Wife just hit me for being a flirt (Just Kidding)

I apologize to any Ladies that I have
overlooked in this poem. Please know
I hold you all in my heart, prayers and
daily thought. I love you all. God Bless