Love Poem: The Happiest Day of My Life
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Written by: John Freeman

The Happiest Day of My Life

The beautiful day happiest of my life
The glorious day I learn of Jesus Christ
The God mercy love wrought through sacrifice 
 That I have not need to live life of strife

Being beloved of love’s faith in saving grace
Toward this  grace each day I set my pace
Matters little what folks think, say or do
I’m determine to see and shine my light through

Being raised with my dear sibling sisters two
One called Rosalie the other Katie Lou
Katie the eldest of myself and  sis too
Katie has gone on and received her due

To see others mistreated pains heart the most
Animals and small children who trust their host
The poor and misfortunate, truly God’s gold
Upon this passage of truth in “James”  I’m sold

I fear no failure, I rest in love’s truth and grace
Though one kill my flesh, I behold God’s face
My soul of essence eternal is not my flesh
One’s riches is faith in precept of God’s stash 

There is no place of this world I desire to see
Just to address my dear friends, enough for me
Teaching them to be beloved souls of  Agape,
For sloppy mind agape makes poor copy!

Lover of God Freeman
 a·ga·pe [aa g? pay]

For and in honor of Carol Brown and Contest
The happiest day of my life