Love Poem: The Gushing Tears of Passion
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Written by: Sotto Poet

The Gushing Tears of Passion

To the tenderness stream
When we initially met, it was a graceful turn.
Around the bend in the copious spring
She was conceived. 
Naturally out of a lonesome spot
In my passionate heart
At the deepest level of my angelic being
Starting in the western hemisphere
It's a feeling of yearning.
With hungry haste that craves the longing.
I wandered all the dulcet ways to Heaven.
It was centered on the seventh dazzling sky.
With my heart and spirit as well,
From the bitterness of a youthful passion that split
A person with many experiences
Who is the most enthralled by her charm?
She inquired as to where we had first met.
We began singing simultaneously.
Such a superb delight
That's where we've got our knuckles curled up.
On the sand of cuddles
I am sinking, my friends, and I am enthralled.
She swooped down to me, twirling in the horizons.
When will we have a farewell drawing?

Written: January 16, 2022