Love Poem: The Greatest Gift of All, a Finite Human Lifespan - Now With Footnotes
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Written by: Roof Missing

The Greatest Gift of All, a Finite Human Lifespan - Now With Footnotes

The Greatest Gift of All?
(A Finite Human Lifespan)
There is pleasure in 'knowing' this life will be ending, the space my flesh occupies 'opening up' for 'not me(s)' though my life has been great (I'd say fun for the most part!) 'Term limits' get my vote (more moral than murder most days (though this option considered gives pause to some poopheads?))! Short lives can be shorter than most fools may dream is their due with no gold tubs (or fixes that snake oil can proffer), wh*res bought for Right's price who'll opine wood's the dipstick of God! If this poem notes flaws that some have, it's not 'Ballade of Self' meant to hint my perspective's like gold. Who but cur would suggest, "Sure, my excrements yellow, hair too! Do you get it? I've Midas's touch." Check out Emperor's threads! (1) He wears ties whose broad parts make a fig leaf sing Joke's praise! His lack of refinement, of values? Wow! Pond scum's faux art? But discernment's still ours, though we swing with the fairies, He's Putin a*s kisser, wealth's fool, fake brass carney's 'gold ring!' Long Tooth December 19th in 2022 Poet's Notes: Like many, I'm hoping that Republican friends will recover from their mysterious ailments of loving obfuscation, lack of transparency, flirtation with both fascism and lingering racism, lack of basic humanity (their homo- phobic predilections), hatred for the very concept of religious freedom, and disrespect for women and our Constitution! Whew! Need I say more? There, but for the Grace of God (I suspect), go I! God help us! Please! (1) A humorous and 'transparent' (I hope) reference to a famous children's story from my childhood called "The Emperor's New Clothes" (that some may recall).