Love Poem: The Golden Lady
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Written by: Martha Malloy

The Golden Lady

She walks with dignity, with an air of integrity and confidence in her stride;

A promoter of truth with the Holy Spirit as her guide.

She holds the scales of Justice through the flood and through the fire.

She is the golden lady within whom wisdom does abide.

The Beauty of Life surrounds her and makes her all aglow.
She brightens up the darkest places with the light of God's Son-shine that many
 will never know.

Patience is sometimes tested, but loyalty holds the reins-

With Divine Love as mediator, her word goes forth unfeigned.

Her feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace-

With blessings of  Joy, prosperity, Faith, and Love as signs of her increase.

Humbleness and modesty of Spirit and sincerity of mind

Will always linger after her in the heart of those she meet throughout the end of     

For she is the golden lady, a symbol of Light and Love Divine.