Love Poem: The Golden Crumbs
Carol Mitra Avatar
Written by: Carol Mitra

The Golden Crumbs

‘Fragments and crumbs of life, all the little pieces’
                                 John Ruskin

We often get waylaid with golden crumbs of two in love
 and have no clue of what we’re worth
Too often than not, a few moments of someone’s time
 is  all the sign of their devotion, labeling it emotion 

Always making excuses for the one who doles out
the crumbs, we undervalue our worth 
and accept what’s tossed our way 
sad but it’s the golden truth the other
not bothered or giving a damn about your worth.

Feel worthy of your emotional culinary skills
And take yourself elsewhere for nourishment
For man cannot live on crumbs alone
Even mounds of crumbs crumble and that’s not
what your worth.
