Love Poem: The Field
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Written by: David Ellsworth

The Field

Soft breath winds crossed the field

Wildflowers bending in its reverence

Cottoned clouds in their endless journey

While the brook chattered over rocks

It was a secret place

Discovered on a Sunday walk

And later our place for picnics and passion

In the warm days of spring and new beginnings


Carrion crows gossiped from the stand of pines

Tall grasses hissed around the breeze

From somewhere a ewe called for a lamb

And the sun was gentle and generous

You would be there, on your back, eyes upward

Smiling at all that was 

Wishing that every day could be so wondrous

Until the splendor brought your tears of elation


And there was me . . . . sole witness of true grandeur

Found within the curve of your lip or winsome half smile

You were more glorious than the boastful clouds

More radiant than the sun against the brook stones

Far more gentle and fulfilling than the calming breeze

More easily loved than all of creation

For as the earth will one day consume me

So did you so long ago