Love Poem: The Eyes Have It

The Eyes Have It

Looking deep into the eyes of you…
		  	Those sapphired jewels,
			Floating pools
			Of the window where 
			What can be seen there:
			Your eyes. Your eyes. Your eyes.

			No question: yes, they are reflections
			And really are windows; they mirror.
			You see, today, I see much clearer
			What, before, I would not see:
			Truth’s harsh, here-to-stay reality:
			Your lies. Your lies. Your lies.

			Facing you, I open a door in me
			And am warned to close the core of me;
			My heart and mind advise my spirit
			To never again let you near it.
			Looking deep into the soul of you and me:
			Good-byes. Good-byes. Good-byes.