Love Poem: The Elevation of Today's Generation

The Elevation of Today's Generation

By:  Sikolwethu Mthethwa

Burning hotter than the flames of a furnace,
Surpassing the depths of the hollows beneath Earth's face,
Rumbling more violently than a million earthquakes.
Delicately constructed by our young minds 
And conceived by our hearts.
It is more valuable than gold mines
Nothing surpasses this urge

With great authority it dictates to us,
With immense force like that of a storm it channels us.
Hurry now ,answer it's call, make no fuss.

The call to bloom like the flowers of spring,
To arise from our slumber.
The call to be the change we aspire to bring
To Earth our Mother.

This urge has assigned us a sacred mission,
To be the elevation of today's generation.
To ignite the flames of progress with our muscle,
To stay true and dedicated to our hustle.

Ahead of us lies hurdles and challenges
With the foul intent to batter us and leave us in bandages.
But worry not our father from above is watching us.
He has bestowed Upon us the power to trample these challenges.

Completing this mission will not be a breeze.
But do not let up,
Because when we conquer,all suffering will seize
And to the gates of success we will proudly hold the keys.

Let us use our muscle
To turn mother Earth into our castle
In order for this to manifest,we must stay true to our hustle.