Love Poem: The Distance of a Worm Hole 6 2016

The Distance of a Worm Hole 6 2016

The distance between us is like a pencil line drawn on a page
like steam in air

like the drop of water that captures in its soul 
the light

It is like water in the wash cloth
but also like that one ice cream drip that gets away and falls

Sometimes it is like the cool breeze that flutters the shears in the middle of the night
elusive ...beloved...treasured
like a kiss from the universe itself

it is like the suspended moment...the feeling of our foreheads touching 
just before we give in the kiss

You held my hand...listened to my every word
waited years to dance with read to tell me of your injuries

in the rear view mirror we are always surrounded by tiny glittering lights 
fairy dust or is it mysticism twilight
our voices are strung up 
like streamers across any room we have ever been in together

our foot steps glow and pulse wherever we have passed
the air respectfully swirls around our ghosts

but the distance you ask?

It is 70.1 miles from me to you...a graphite pencil line on a mapquest
but if you reach out you can grasp my hair in your hand and hold my head to yours 
through the worm hole in the head of a pen